Saturday, November 12, 2011


Welcome one and all!
I am doing this as per the recomendation of my therapist, no idea how much i will post but here are letters to my angel.
Below is Chloe's Story

I had a great pregnancy with our Chloe, no morning sickness had ton of energy everything was great. I was a member on awebsite during my pregnancy and people would comment on how pregnancy was terrible they had bad morning sickness ect, then we saw babies who didnt make it mis carriages, still births ect, and i kept think wow im so lucky but this is to good to be true. Chloe was born and was the perfect baby she slept through the night at a couple of weeks old, and im tlaking sleeping like ten hours at night. Again, i thought lifes to perfect no baby does this, no baby sleeps this much. Everything was great, at 8 months old she developed a cold after it would not go away we went ot the doctor, he sent us home said she was fine just a common cold.
A week later we took her into daycare and she was perfect and happy, she still had a small cold but nothing major. That afternoon we got a panic phone call from her daycare providor, Chloe woke up in a cold sweat, she was sweating everywhere, she soaked through her sheets and she had a high fever. We of course brought her to the doctor right away. We found out right away that her white blood cell count was to high, she needed the first of many transfusions.
We were admitted to the hospital and the following day we found out our worst fears had some true, our baby girl at 8 months old was being diagnosed with AML Luekimia. With treatment she had a small chance of survival, without treatment she would be with us for only hours more.
She went through numerous blood transfusions and 4 rounds of chemo therapy. She was in remission for a few days during her first birthday but unfortunatly an infection took over her body and she passed away at 13 months.
We are so excited to be pregnant and due in May

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