Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letter Two

Little Miss,

Writing to you, i wont lie its wierd to me, when my therapist suggested it i laughed. I wrote the first letter many times and deleated it many times not knowing what to write. I dont know what to belive, are you an angel? Of course you are, but what kind of angel? Where are you? Im not a religious person and since your death unfortunatly that has not changed.
I used to belive everything happens for a reson, thats what Grandma ( my mom) used to tell me. I feel like there is a reason for miscarriage, i feel like maybe that baby would not have survived outside of the womb for some reason, i belive that happens for a reason. However when you lose a baby to this horrible disease, theres no reason for that to happen. I have been a good person all my life, so its not carma biting me in the you know what, and if i twas carma then they should choose another way like speeding tickets not taking my daughter away from me from cancer. I often sit an ponder why is this happening? what is the reason, if everything does happen for a reason. Well, i no longer belive this everything happens for a reason stuff. There is no reason to take away a 13 month old baby girl from her family, no reason what so ever.
Everything happens for a reason, i think not
Love, Mommy

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